There's yet another Daily Deals site just launched. But this time its a completely different tack. There are no deals to be had here, but a different worthy cause each day. is a site that features one charity each day. Everyone is invited to make a donation, no matter how small. There are no products, no material benefit other than feeling good about yourself, while helping those less fortunate.
The Daily charity rolls over each day at 12pm. Perhaps you are feeling a bit down today, brighten up your own day by brightening someone elses! Make a small donation, even if its only $5.00.

DailyCharity could also be called Daily Donation! I think its a great idea and even if you don't donate everyday, you could donate once a week. $5 is all it takes to help those less fortunate. The Daily Charity site is a joint effort between Sheldon Nesdale of and, an established online charitable foundation.
Check out the site at
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