View TreatMe Deals in your local city:
Treat Me is here! TreatMe is making major inroads into the New Zealand daily deals market. They've offered some killer deals to date from $1 burgers and coffees, to accommodation at fancy hotels for half price!
How it works: Each day Treat Me offers one deal in your local area. You can either check the site each day, or sign up for their daily email alert. Have a look at each days deal and decide if it interests you. If it does then whip out your credit card and make the purchase right there.
The thing with these special offers is that they are only available for just one day. Yes, just 24 hours. And in many cases the deal will actually sell out during the day. So Treat Me is not only exciting, it will save you lots of fun things to eat, see and do in your city. One day it could be a restaurant voucher like $20 for $0 worth of food. You simply buy the prepaid voucher, then present it at the business to redeem its value, and pay any difference if you spend over.
The next day it could be a vocuher for a one hour massage. Simply buy the deal, book your massage and hand in the voucher, no cash needed on the day. Group buying sites and vouchers are fast becoming the new way to be social and get out and about. With deals at a minimum of 50% off, and some deals up to 95% off, you can't help but get involved in this massive online shopping trend! One Day Deals are here to stay!
To find out more about each different city that TreatMe covers (and to see the deals for that city) click on the appropriate page below:
Treat Me Auckland
Treat Me Wellington
Treat Me Waikato
Treat Me Christchurch
TreatMe Dunedin
Treat Me Otago
Treat Me is offering crazy deals each day. Their busiest site is Treat Me Auckland