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Grab One. A NZ success story, and possibly one of the fastest growing websites this country has ever seen. 10,000 movie tickets sold in one day, 7,500 Fullers Ferry rides sold in one day - Grab One has taken NZ by storm.

Daily Deals are the name of the game. GrabOne offers one deal each day, in your local city. The deals are not for products, they are for expereiences. So this means you can get cheap deals on popular things to eat, see and do such as movie tickets, restaurant meals or beauty treatments.

The deals are varied so that they appeal to everyone. Stuck for a gift idea? Go to Grab One and get some ideas!  Almost all deals are 50% off or more off the retail price. This means you can go to the site each day, and get a great deal without fail!

We were lucky enough to score an interview with Campbell Brown the Marketing Director for Grab One. Read on to find out what makes this innovative company tick.

Interview with Campbell Brown - Marketing Director for Grab One

1. What is the best deal you've ever offered?

I think this might come down to personal preference and what you define as a great deal.  We have had some amazing offers and businesses on since launch in July.  But if I had to pick some (I can't narrow it down to one) of the best deals that blew me away then I would go with; $4 Event Cinema deal in Auckland (10,000), Squid Row in Auckland (2,000), Fullers in Auckland (7,465), D4 in Wellington (1,500) just to name a few.

2. What is the fastest you've sold out of something?

This will vary because different deals have different amounts that they sell out at but our $4 Event Cinema deal in Auckland was selling 2 tickets per second at its peak.

3. What makes your site different from the other daily deal sites?

Aside from the sheer volume of deals we sell, we focus on providing a high level of customer service not only to our consumers but also to the businesses we work with.  We have worked hard on this aspect and have a great infrastructure built around this which other competitors have seemed to struggle with even down to providing a simple discussion forum about the deal.  We are also constantly updating, improving and evolving every aspect of the site and the mechanisms we use to distribute our deals.  

4. You focus on vouchers. Would you ever consider offering physical products?

Most definitely, there is not too much I can say right now but watch this space as there are certain product verticals we are developing.  In terms of the main GrabOne site, we have already begun to dabble in products.  A great example of this was selling 2,000 Mr Vintage T-shirts in just a few hours. However the key difference is that we sent these people to the Mr Vintage shop in Kingsland to redeem which presented them with numerous up-sell opportunities as well as people knowing they actually had a store in Kingsland.

grab one nz deals mr vintage tshirts2000 Mr Vintage T-Shirts Sold in just one day

5. How important do you think social media (Facebook and Twitter) is to your success?

Social Media is a corner stone to the success of GrabOne. We drive a large amount of quality and engaged traffic from our Facebook page to GrabOne which means our conversion rates in terms of deals purchased are very high.  So much so we have a dedicated person who takes care of the day to day managing, analysing and reporting on all social aspects of our business. 

As for Twitter we still see this as an important tool in our arsenal not so much because of the direct viral aspect it provides but because the people in NZ who use twitter are generally "influencers" or people who are earlier adopters.  So it's an important foot in the door to growing word of mouth marketing.  But we are learning new things every single day and will continue to as social media evolves.  

6. Are there any products/deals that you won't offer? Have you said no to types of deals?

We like to consider all types of deals but we try to stick to deals that; offer a great discount, have minimal restrictions, are desirable and provide a reasonable redemption period. Obviously not all deals are going to work but that is the beauty of the business, you learn from your mistakes, adapt and get on with it. If you would have told me 2,000 High Teas at Stamford Plaza would sell out by 2.51pm, I would have thought you were crazy!

7. What was your first product, price, and what was launch day like?

We had actually did a small movie deal test in which we sent out an email to a small number of friends and family....we sold 3,000 in hour and half.  Then followed up with 10,000 the next day.  My hat really comes off to our brilliant development team on that.  They produced an amazing platform in a short space of time that stood up to a hammering after just two days.  We all had bets on what we would sell on the first two days and needless to say I'm still paying for the bet I placed at 867.

8. Have you undertaken any traditional media advertising for the site?

What about online advertising? We have done some print and billboard advertising and our online advertising is working exceedingly well for us at the moment.

9. Whats the best part about being involved in the daily deals industry?

Hands down, dealing with the different types of businesses around New Zealand before and after the deal.  Not only do they support it 100% but they provide quality feedback which only makes our business stronger. The other great aspect is that things change daily not only the deals but all the elements of the site which require continuing refinement and development to ensure a fantastic user experience.

10. What are the 3 main reasons new business customers should try your site out?

In no particular order: 1. Generate a large amount of quality leads in a short space of time 2. Create an amazing opportunity for up-sell 3. Massive amount of Brand awareness/advertising the business gets through our large distribution network.


There you have it guys! is doing amazing things for customers, and amazing things for the businesses it partners with. Get involved in the action and check out the Grab One website:

And to keep up to date with what is happening at GrabOne you can check out their blog here


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