Daily deals site Dealaday.co.nz is one of the oldest kiwi deals sites. When I started following the daily deals industry back in 2008 there were only 3 sites, and DealaDay was one of them. Dealaday are still going strong after 5 years, despite more than 120 sites launching in that time. Interestingly, over 50 sites have also closed down in that time.

The DealaDay site has had a revamp recently. Still keeping with their trade mark black, blue and orange colours but this time opting for a softer grey background. DealaDay has also changed to offering 3 deals each day. They originally started with just a 'deal a day' (hence the name) but they occasionally had a side deal. Now every day is 3 Deals, and 3 chances to save.
The site has also been updated for today's changing world of browsers, mobiles and tablets. When you visit the site on mobile you'll see a skinny version of the site matched to fit mobile's small screens. As many of us now use tablets to browse the web, Deal a Day has introduced a great new 'responsive design' for tablet browsers. When you rotate the screen on a tablet, the site automatically adjusts for the best viewing angle. On the skinny vertical view on your tablet the 3 deals are stacked on top of each other. On the wide view the deals are displayed horizontally. Definitely give it a try on your tablet, a great feature!
Dealaday has always been right up to date with technology and design. They were the first deals site to accept internet banking payments for deals "in-browser" through POLI Payments. These days they are still one of the only sites to offer a non-credit card payment option with Account2Account provided by DPS Payments (who managed TradeMe's online payment system). The Account2Account system allows you to log in to your bank account and make your payment right there.

Another new feature is the nifty Track My Order function. If you want to track your order simply enter your email and order number and you'll see exactly where your package is. No wondering when your order will show up, and no more needing to email customer support just to check on your package!
Want to get Free Deals? Deal a day has released a new Rewards feature where you get a Bronze, Silver or Gold Account status. The more deals you buy over time, the higher your ranking. Free Deals are offered to different account levels so you need to have an account to be in the running for these free rewards.
Their feature list is extensive with one time email reminders where you can ask to be notified if a deal comes back. Another popular feature is the DealaDay Dollars rewards program (DAD$). Every purchase you make earns you Dealaday Dollars which can be used as credit towards deals.
So with their new revamp and all their great features, it's a great time to check out the new DealaDay site if you haven't recently. Be sure to register for their daily email reminder (big green button on the site) so you don't miss out on any deals.