We thought we'd take a look at the rate of Facebook Member growth amongst the top 10 deals sites. We've taken their current member count and divided it by the number of months since launch. This gives us an indication as to the rate of growth.
Date: 31 May 2011
NZ Daily Deal Sites - Social Media Rankings
Site |
Launch Month |
Months |
Facebook Fans |
Monthly Fan Growth
Jul 2010 |
10 |
123,420 |
12,342 month
July 2007 |
29* |
65,151 |
2,246 month |
Mar 2011 |
2 |
33,518 |
16,759 month
Dec 2009 |
18 |
17.886 |
993 month |
May 2010 |
12 |
14,929 |
1244 month |
Apr 2011 |
2 |
12,234 |
6117 month
(Still Pending) |
- |
5,819 |
- |
Nov 2010 |
6 |
5,686 |
947 month |
May 2010 |
12 |
4,929 |
410 month |
Dec 2004 |
29* |
4,662 |
160 month*
*Facebook became popular in the main stream in 2009 so we have rounded the older sites month count to start from Jan 2009. 1day has been live 46 months, Firstin 77 months.
Credit to http://wayback.archive.org for launch months.
This graph is to provide an indication only. It is not 100% accurate. Other factors to consider are the exact month when the site opened their facebook page. Also sites that have launched recently such as OneDaySale.co.nz will place more emphasis on Facebook Marketing, and sites in the launch/early growth phase will have higher per month rates, due to more marketing spend during launch Still, this table does give some interesting insight :)