I was updating our Daily Deal Site Rankings page this month and I noticed something strange. Several Deal sites have doubled their member base, while others lost more Facebook Members than they gained. Here are the top results for the last 6 weeks.
Facebook Member Increase % (6 weeks - April 14 - May 30)
277% Crazy Sales (Crazy Sales are partnered with GrabOneStore so have benefitted greatly)
129% DayDealSales
80% Red Hot Deals
The first 2 sites actually doubled the number of fans they have on Facebook. Thats some serious growth! Interesting, the larger sites who added over 2,000 new fans each, had overall growth rates of 1-4%. Harder to grow when you are big!
Facebook Members Increase in Numbers (6 weeks - April 14 - May 30)
2,639 1day
2,261 GrabOne
2,065 Living Social (across their 3 pages)
Wow, thousands of new members liked these Facebook pages. Many of the sites on the table below don't even have 2,000 fans to start with!
Facebook Members Decrease in Numbers (6 weeks - April 14 - May 30)
- 61 DaySale
- 2 GameaDay
Oh dear, these sites actually lost members. To end up negative for the month means more people unliked the page, than liked it. These companies must be seriously neglecting their Facebook pages.
Daily Deal Site Facebook Member Growth (6 weeks - April 14 - May 30)
Site |
Fans - April 14 |
Fans - May 30 |
6 wk Growth |
% Growth |
103,141 |
105,280 |
+2639 |
141,200 |
143,461 |
+2261 |
1% |
82,522 |
84,587 |
+2065 |
3% |
46,879 |
48,936 |
+2057 |
4% |
660 |
2,491 |
+1831 |
277% |
6,002 |
7,712 |
+1710 |
28% |
5,918 |
7,119 |
+1201 |
20% |
648 |
1,489 |
+841 |
129% |
556 |
1,002 |
+446 |
5,907 |
6,738 |
+831 |
14% |
13,751 |
13,751 |
+279 |
2% |
14,267 |
14,531 |
+264 |
2% |
19,516 |
19,695 |
+179 |
1% |
1,100 |
1,278 |
+178 |
1% |
5,672 |
5,734 |
+62 |
>1% |
7,067 |
7,097 |
+30 |
>1% |
227 |
246 |
+19 |
>1% |
1,709 |
1,723 |
+14 |
>1% |
3,966 |
3,954 |
+12 |
>1% |
265 |
263 |
-2 |
- 1% |
6,702 |
6,641 |
- 61 |
- 1% |
* Living Social and Groupon have separate facebook pages for each region they serve. We have lumped together their total company followers for the above table.
Facebook Pages:
Grpn Ak, Grpn Wel, Grpn Chc
Living Soc Ak, Living Soc Wel, Living Soc Chc