Back in June, we commented on the website design of daily deals site Cudo. It was a comprehensive review of Cudo NZ’s site layout, and suggested many simple improvements that could be made. The article was titled Cudo NZ needs a makeover. Cudo contacted us right away, and informed that they were working on a new site. Great!
Fast forward 6 weeks, and the new Cudo design is now live (has been for a week or so now). We have to say we are definitely impressed with the new layout! Its also good to see that the same design has been used for Cudo Australia (minus the background).
In our review article we gave many positive suggestions, ranging from a larger deal title, widening the site template and buy now button improvement. Each of the suggestions we put forward have been improved, and then some!
We are extremely glad to see that the most important change needed (Pricing Area) has been totally redesigned. On the old site it was very hard to see what the price of the actual deal was. Done! The price is now big and bold.
Old Cudo NZ site

Also, the buy now button has been moved to the pricing area, so you don’t have to hunt to find the button! Change Done! There was an unnecessary 50% off sign, of which we pointed out that everyone knows that vouchers are 50% off, so this doesn’t need to be as big as the other test. Change Done!
New Cudo site

So the big question is, has the new Cudo site design improved their sales? Our sources tell us that yes, definitely the new design HAS improved sales, and least visitor conversion, which is just as good. Its amazing what a few tweaks with layout can do to making a site easier to use!
So all in all, a positive result from Cudo NZ. A big WELL DONE, and a thanks for taking our suggestions on board. Check out the new Cudo design