What is the OneDaySale Concept?
It's the concept of selling a product or service at a discounted price, for just 24 hours. Offering special deals for just one day it seems, whips people into a frenzy due to the fear of missing out. It's an excellent marketing idea as it promotes impulse purchases where people otherwise wouldn't because tomorrow the deal will not be available. The idea was first brought to the mainstream by Woot.com in the USA.
It's this phenomenon that has propelled US site Groupon to be named the fastest growing company in history, ever. From zero to a billion dollars in sales in less than 2 years, now that's pretty impressive. But in terms of consumers it means that they have saved a whole bunch of money (while spending a whole bunch of money).

For a true onedaysale deal the offer needs to be an amazing price. People won't buy something just because you have a small discount for one day. No, businesses need to really drop the price, up to 50% if they can, to promote hundreds (or thousands) of purchases in a single day.
You see part of the reason one day sale deals become so popular is the viral aspect. If a deal is amazing, they will let their friends know on social media. But if you've just given a 10% special for the day, that is hardly the thing that wil have customers screaming from the rooftops. Yes for a deal to go viral and be super successful, it needs to be good.
The onedaysale concept has also expanded in recent years to include the new voucher site trend. Instead of selling physical products, these group buying websites sell prepaid vouchers that you can purchase online and redeem at local businesses. With limitations of shipping physical products removed, voucher sites can sell potentially sell thousands of vouchers a day and not have trouble fulfilling them.
The way voucher sites work is that they will sell a prepaid voucher for a certain value, to be redeemed at a loca business. So say Joe's Cafe wants lots of new customers to try their new menu, they will ask a Voucher Site to run a deal for them. The deal sites might sell a $20 food voucher, for $10. Customers are happy because they get a great deal, and the cafe is happy becuase they get new people in to try their new menu. It's a win-win.
OneDaySale Sites in New Zealand
In New Zealand one day sales are just as popular as anywhere in the world. The first deals site was called FirstIn.co.nz which launched way back in 2004. It was early days and not many people had experience a one day sale online. It took 1day.co.nz in 2007 to really bring one day sales into the mainstream.
1day offer deals on everything from food, to snowboard gear, fridges to socks. 1day continues to grow fast, and be the market leader by a long shot. Bricks and mortar retailer the Warehouse saw how popular 1day had become so they bought 1day. The site still runs and now has even more deals than ever before.
There are also now over 40 other kiwi deals sites. Many have come and gone (there were over 100 at one point) but most of the ones around now are here to stay. While sites like 1day are the biggest, it pays to check the other sites regularly as they can offer great deals too to compete with the larger sites.

GrabOne is the largest voucher deals site in New Zealand. They offer vochers by city for experiences like restaurants, activities and other things that you go out and experience. Most deals are at least 30% off the normal price you'd pay yourself. Sometimes up to 50% off the normal price. GrabOne are popular because they have some much choice, and almost every New Zealand city is covered. You can visit GrabOne here.
To keep track of all one day sales in New Zealand across all the sites, head on over to our Todays Deals page to see the deal categories you want. You’ll see daily deals from all the top kiwi sites like 1day, Treatme and Grabone. You can also see deals broken down by city. One Day Deals is YOUR TOOL for combing thru all the OneDaySale sites!